Monday, January 28, 2013

Twenty-Nine: First Comes Love

Then comes marriage

Then comes week twenty-nine, during which our stroller and carseat were delivered. Cool stuff. It's an absolutely beautiful stroller. I love it. I've been looking at this stroller and carseat basically since I found out I was pregnant. Now that it's sitting approximately ten feet from me, the reality of having a baby has become much apparent. Jordie and I had planned on waiting until closer to our baby's due date to make the purchase, but after having a friend deliver 2+ months early, we made the decision to go ahead and buy it.

In other news, It's been disturbingly cold. There are few things I enjoy less than cold weather.  This week it snowed several inches. Beautiful to look at through my window, painfully awful to be walking about in. Mind you, my coats do not zip. Not even close. And being pregnant generally isn't comfortable, let alone adding even more layers to your body which is already carrying an excess of 30+ pounds. I feel huge. I really wish that such superficial worries would subside, but I'm only being honest. It is particularly strange to see your body change so much and become so unfamiliar, but then again, somedays I don't remember what my body used to look like. Fortunately, I'm pretty funny most of the time, so skin, bones, and body aside, I'm still a big fan of myself. So that's good, of course.

Our baby is doing great. She still has a pretty predictable schedule. Without fail, she's rolling and tumbling about between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., 9 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., and 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. I wonder if this pattern will stick once she's out here in the world. Her kicks and rolls have become much stronger and sometimes even hurt a little. I don't mind it though, I love feeling her move and just knowing that she's really there.

I feel like I know her so well already. I know what she likes- like laying on my side, or a cup of warm tea resting on my belly. I know just how she'll respond. And I feel like she knows I'm here. That I'm not some anonymous womb that she has taken shelter within, but someone who cares about her. I feel that she knows that. And maybe that's crazy, but I don't think so.

Overall, week twenty nine has been wintery and cold, but to be so close to having our baby here with us- where we can see her and hold her- this week has been beautiful.

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