Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Twenty-One: Just for Kicks

Finally, finally, finally. I knew. I knew that it had to be the baby moving around my belly and that it couldn't be anything else. Last Friday, when I came home from the Ultrasound, I felt it. And then on Monday, I felt it a lot, and even stronger. Even on the outside. It feels like tumbling or rolling and sometimes tapping. She's been laying kinda low the past couple of days, but here and there I will feel her. Jordan hasn't felt her moving yet, which makes us both sort of sad but it'll happen soon, we know that.

Now I just expect or anticipate the feeling all the time. I hold my hand on my belly and close my eyes and just wait. I feel sad when she doesn't move much, but when she does I could cry because I'm just so happy. 

Also, we bought our first baby stuff. Just a few things, because there were some really great online promotions and the diaper bag because there was one left and I have had my eye on it for a few months. We've also been given a few baby things from friends and my Aunt got us a little bouncer. It'll be nice once we move in May and can actually set up the baby's room, but for now and a little bit after she's born, she basically has her own corner. That's how it works in a dorm style apartment. 

In other news, the baby's the size of a large banana and is growing eyelashes (my superficial hope is that they are long and beautiful like the other eyelashes in my family) and eyebrows. She can swallow and taste and definitely move.

She's growing and moving and I can't wait to share that feeling with Jordan.
The sweet little hat that Baden made for Baby Sorensen. I'm also going to credit Robin just because


  1. It's such a crazy, wonderful feeling, isn't it?? Our little girl's favorite time to tumble is right when I lay down at night, and then she proceeds to jump around like a maniac. Seriously, one time we were watching a show in bed and she kicked so hard the laptop actually moved. Maybe I AM expecting a velociraptor after all...

  2. Heidi, that is freaking awesome! (The laptop kick...well and the possibility of a velocirpator too) Jordan still hasn't been able to feel the baby but apparently I have an anerior placenta (like, who knew?) which means that the placenta is in the front so it isn't as easy to feel the baby from the outside. Hopefully she gets some muscles on her and he'll be able to feel it soon, but yes its awesome. This week I started recording every time I felt/feel a movement. Man, its so weird/awesome!
