Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Twenty-Two: Hippo + campus

Two weeks ago, at our last appointment, our midwife asked the group if any of us had or were experiencing pregnancy brain. I was like "Psh, whateva"

So you are probably wondering what pregnancy brain is. I'll explain.

In the past week:
a) I have broken two glasses..
b) and almost a third glass full of chocolate milk, which spilt in its entirety (tragic)
c) Completely missed my mouth while drinking a bottle of water during class
c) Spent twenty minutes walking around with an inadvertent toilet paper tail, approximately 1 foot in length, hanging from the back of my pants until I noticed it while looking at nail polish in Walmart and shamefully hid it in the shelf

That's what pregnancy brain is. Its being clumsy, forgetful, and basically an idiot.

Also, we talked about having weird dreams. Some of the other women spoke about having dreams that their husbands were cheating on them. I spoke about my dream of making out with Dwight Schrute. Then this week I had a really weird dream. I dreamt that I was standing in a mirror looking at my pregnant body, except that I was really skinny, like bony, and I didn't have a baby bump, but I could see the baby's body through my skin. Like I could see her moving, and even though it was disturbing, I was absolutely enchanted. And then my skin was transparent and I could see the baby completely. She had lots of dark brown hair and a birth mark above her eye (and a couple others but I can't remember where) and she was happy and then I woke up and I felt so confused. I don't know, it was just so strange, but for some reason I wanted to write it down so there you go.

So today was probably our last Ultrasound. Luckily, Little Sorensen decided to be more cooperative than usual and we got to see her from a better view. We even saw her little mouth open, and it was precious. She's been on the move all week and not a day has gone by without her moving several times.  By some genetic fluke, she appears to enjoy the morning hours. Also, last night Jordan was able to feel her for the first time. He had his hand on my belly and we waited and when I felt her move I turned to tell him but he had also turned to me so I knew that finally he felt her. Very happy moment. So back to the appointment, we also had Centering today. We got there late because our Ultrasound was late, but mostly we spent the class watching a breastfeeding video. It was sweet to watch the little babies trying to figure it out. Its so silly and sweet to watch them figure out the world. All around, it was a good day and the baby is still healthy and growing. As am I (now weighing in 21 lbs. heavier than pre-pregnancy..already).

My bra has become pasties, my favorite loose tee-shirts to sleep in have become that scene from "Tommy Boy"..you know.."fat guy in a little coat", my wedding ring is on a temporary hiatus, and my belly button doesn't stand a chance.

I'm over half-way there and I just don't know how to ever be grateful enough for this experience. I really don't.


  1. The toilet paper story still cracks me up, and I especially love that you left it on the shelf. :)

    You look gorgeous! (Incidentally, what nail polish are you wearing in the first picture?)

  2. Thank you for helping me stay connected to you. The way you write these events and thoughts down endears me to you more and more. Though you are sharing with many I sometimes feel like it is your personal gift to me as I read and connect with your inner thoughts. Thank you for making me laugh and cry with you and all the emotions in between. Thank you for being you. I love you dearly

  3. Thank you Momma Sorensen <3, I'm glad that you feel that way because that really was my purpose. I have a journal I keep also, but I use that for deeper/more serious thoughts and concerns, but I wanted my family and close friends to be able to see how things were going. Its too difficult to tell everyone what's going on, so I thought this would be the best way to do that. I'm glad that you are reading it, I love you too and can't wait to see you (in only a couple of weeks!) I will bring all the pictures with me when we come (and my gigantic belly as well).
