Monday, April 1, 2013

Thirty-Eight: 10, 9, 8

and a Happy Easter

The end of this week began the single-digit count down of days until Baby's due date.

First of all, folding baby clothes takes the same skill-set as creating Origami. I still don't get how you fold something that tiny. Maybe I'll become so super good at it, that I'll make little animals like they do at fancy resorts with the hand towels. Probably not, whatever.

This week has been mostly ordinary. It started with snow on the ground and ended with beautiful seventy-degree Spring weather. The middle week was a blur of yoga pants and unwashed hair. I'd have to say that the absolute best part of this week was that Summer, one of my most favorite people of all time, returned home from a year and a half long mission. Other exciting and wonderful news includes the birth of the first (two) babies from our Centering group- a set of healthy twin girls. Other new babies were born this weekend to friends as well.

And that just blew me away- that these other girls, who have been sort of going through this all along with me, have their babies here now. That means that I will too, and I just cannot fathom it. I am as prepared as I can be- bags packed, ready to go- but nothing, absolutely nothing, could prepare me for our baby to actually enter this world- to be able to really hold her and see her. It is just so beyond what I understand of this world, and it makes me so profoundly certain that there must be a God- it shakes me to the core.

So now it's the waiting game. Day and night, my mind is restless. I've chosen not to be checked for dilation, so I have no idea where things are at progress wise. All I know, is that soon enough, I will be somebody's mother in the most eternal and tangible way.

Look at these monsters. One day, I'll have ankles again

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