Saturday, January 5, 2013

Twenty-Five: The West Coast Christmas Flu

View from the Cabin in Mount Pleasant, Utah

I'm a wee behind on writing due to the holidays and what not, but now that I'm back to the real world, I'll go ahead a fill you in.

So Christmas came in its usual fashion. Being that Jordan's family is mostly on the West coast and mine on the East, we switch off on where we go for the holidays, and this year it was Utah. Although I was thrilled to see his family, especially those who I hadn't yet met, I was less thrilled to just generally be in Utah. This was my first time. I don't need to spout off all the Utah stereotypes, but just understand that I've heard them all.

So the plane ride was long. We had two layovers and so our journey ended with 13+ total hours of traveling. Immediately after arrival, my throat felt sore. And then it began. The cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, can't breath, sore body, achy body, itchy eyes, watery eyes, etc., etc. I was sick literally from the time I stepped off the plane in Utah until I returned home a week and a half later. The worst. I worried the entire trip about Baby S and was constantly drinking water and checking my temperature. So imagine me- six months pregnant with the flu, riding on the back of a snow mobile to a cabin in the mountains, with three feet of snow- Cause that's what went down.

Other than being grossly sick, it was really nice to see family that we haven't seen in a long time. Plus we were able to Skype with Darien, Jordan's sister, who is on her mission in San Jose.

Although environmentally Utah is a beautiful place, I learned that it was not the place for me. After a particular experience, I felt strongly that it just isn't the place where I would like our family to live and grow. I am grateful that I was able to figure out for myself, without the stereotypes, that I really just don't love Utah, and that's okay, because I am who I am and I don't have to. And I want our daughter and all of our children to experience the world in another way, and in another place.

So I apologize for the ambiguity of this post, but I think that in order to not offend, I should remember this:

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence"- Desiderata, Max Ehrmann

Lastly, I just want to say that I truly have a wonderful, wonderful husband. I know that people will say that all the time, but I just know it. It is a tangible truth that I have seen and have heard and can feel. It's like a little coin in my pocket- to anyone else it's just a coin- but to me, I know it is much more, because I know its story and know what it's truly worth. And I could go on and on, but other than all of the care Jordan gave me while I was sick, there was a particular moment- just a moment- when I truly understood the sacred nature of our marriage, and I really understood why he is undoubtedly the most perfect father for our baby. I really know that, and a certain knowledge is the most valuable thing you can have at times. And sometimes that is all you'll have, but it will be more than enough.

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