Friday, November 9, 2012

Eighteen: Crampin' My Style

So finally- after tears, frustration, and anxiety- We had our long awaited appointment. After a month since our last appointment, hearing the beats of the baby's heart again was almost like a big warm hug. I've missed her. I think I'll be okay for now, our next appointment (the notorious gender reveal) is only a week and a half from now. My mom is going to join us for this appointment, which I'm happy for. I know that it will mean a lot to her. 

Anyways, the appointment today went well. I've gained seven pounds since our first appointment, YIKES! Other than that, we just talked all about baby mama drama, as in weird things going on with our minds and bodies. I really enjoy hearing all the other women's experiences. It was especially nice to talk about abdominal pain since I've been crampy all week. When you first are pregnant, you think- Oh yeah! No period for nine months, woop woop!- and then, you realize that what you DO experience is much more funky..and still..cramps. I guess the difference is that you end up with a beautiful little baby.

Well, I really don't have too many juicy details this week. I'll leave off with saying how grateful I am that our baby seems to be healthy and growing and that I have an awesome supportive husband who I can share this experience with. My heart is full.


  1. Loving this! Thanks for sharing. It's only too bad Jordan neglected to mention it. At least I found it before too long! :-) The backstory is special, especially to the Mom. You'll remember it forever, but a blog helps with that I think! We love "Baby S" already!

  2. I want to comment on every single post but I think I'll just condense it all right here. :) You are a really good writer! I could read your posts all day and it's so cool to have someone I know due the same time as me. I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say you've never looked forward to doctor's visits more than you do now. I was dying of excitement for our gender-reveal appointment this week! I can't wait for you guys to have yours. Our little girl was drinking (which I had no idea they did in there) and we could actually see her swallowing. She was also sucking her thumb and grabbing her feet. It was so adorable and surreal and amazing to think that all this is going on in my body. So awesome! I'm so happy for you and me! :)

  3. Cristina, thanks! I just now decided to make it public (it also took me a really long time to figure out how to set up the blog, haha). I figured this way, you guys and all family and friends could know what was going on! We miss you guys and can't wait to see you for Christmas!

    Heidi, thanks so much, I truly appreciate it! And that is so beautiful to hear about your little baby drinking and swallowing! I love reading your blog/posts as well, I am so happy to hear all the new things with your baby! I think its awesome that you're just a week ahead of me because I get to kind of hear what's going to come next! Haha. I'm so excited and happy for us too!
