Thursday, August 15, 2013

Four: Sweet Dreams 'til Sunbeams Find You

So coincidentally, Sun became four months old on the very same day that a year ago, at roughly four in the morning, I awoke from a dream in which I was pregnant. And so it goes, that on August 4th 2012 during that early dawn hour, I slipped quietly into our dingy poorly lit Main Hall bathroom/kitchenette, and in my semiconscious state I read the instructions of a pee stick that I had laying around from the Winter of '12 birth control scandal (another story for another day) and waited silently and anxiously for a blurry pink plus sign that would mark the beginning of a whole new life for me, for us. And as I wondered if my eyes were even working correctly, I tiptoed over to a Jordan deep in slumber, flipped on our red desk lamp and while holding up the plastic tube, I said in a loud whisper "What does this look like?" and his squinty-eyed and slurred reply was something along the lines of "It looks like you're pregnant" and I just wasn't sure if it was real life. And here we are now and Sunnie is as real as ever and I still am often confused and awake in the middle of the night and wake Jordan up to ask him questions that I probably know the answer to and that's my real life.

This past month Sunnie had her first experience at the beach. And swimming. And she got to spend time with her Pop Pop and Nana and family. And by the end of the month, she was once again getting shots, but she didn't have an awful experience like she did when she was two months old. She is just so alive and so happy and loves to see the world.

At four months, Sunnie:

Can sit up from any given incline.
Loves to be standing up. With assistance, of course
Loves to smile at herself in the mirror
Wants to hold anything and everything. My hair, my hand, a toy, her feet, whatever
Sucks her hands. Often.
Usually sleeps through the night
Loves to look at pictures
...and books
Is a lover of music
Smiles always. Laughs often.
Enjoys the company of Baby Monkey or Mr. Giraffey
Naps like mom
Still looks like dad

She makes me love people more. Care more. Want more- from this world, from myself. Sometimes, I just stare at her and I cannot get over it. She is heaven right here with me. She is perfect. She is really everything.

1 comment:

  1. How do you get her to sleep through the night? What is your bedtime routine? Does she cry at all? Is she swaddled? Is she completely asleep when you lay her down or does she put herself to sleep? Grace slept through the night for about a week and a half when she was two months old, then randomly she stopped and hasn't done it since. I dread nighttime because I just never know what it'll bring. Sorry to sound like a crazy person but last night was another one of those 4-nonconsecutive-hours-of-sleep nights...

    P.S. Sunnie and Grace have got to meet for realz one of these days!
