Monday, March 4, 2013

Thirty-Four: Big Body and the Busy Bodies

Sometimes, you just have to cut the elastic on both sides of your glittery Christmas socks with a pocketknife while sitting on a barstool in a bowling alley so that your feet don't lose circulation and fall off. Because you're pregnant and now the [not] proud owner of a pair of cankles. Sometimes you can't fit a ringpop on any finger other than your pinky. Welcome to week thirty-four.

As of now, we officially have a crib for Baby S to sleep in. We have a diaper bag and a bag for Jordan and I semi-packed and ready to go for the hospital. Furniture is rearranged so that there's room for baby stuff and most of our apartment is packed up so that moving will be easier once Baby S is here. We are almost ready for D-Day, almost.

For the past couple of nights, I've woken up in the middle of the night with the worst charley horse of all time. Apparently that's a thing when you're pregnant. Other than that horror, things have been mostly stickin' to the usual. I feel a little more fat, a little less comfortable, and a lot more exhausted. But you know what? I'm doing pretty well in my classes and I feel good about that. I've missed very few classes for someone who is barely getting any sleep and in constant discomfort, so yeah- I'm proud of myself. I think the toughest part of right now is just not knowing when she'll be born. The good news is, Mom and Dad Sorensen have their plane tickets and will be here April 20th. We are absolutely thrilled, not only because it'll be great to spend time with them, but because that means that there really is a baby coming. 

When I think about seeing her and holding her for the first time I just want to cry. I can't even imagine what I will feel. I already feel so much. Of course I'm scared of contractions and labor and all of that, but I just can't wait for it to happen because then I'll know that she will really be here. I am so overwhelmed by the thought of it. We just love her so much. It's a strange, strange thing.

This week, we had our second-to-last Centering appointment (and after that, we will have weekly appointments). It's crazy. I was glad to see that within the past two weeks (since our last appointment), I've gained zero pounds. ZERO. So to everyone who has made "you're so big", "are you sure you're not having twins", "wow, how much have you gained", etc. comments- As of now, I have gained the recommended amount of weight for someone of my original weight and height. So thanks for the inappropriate, unsolicited, and hurtful comments, but I actually am measuring exactly where I need to be.

Which brings me to this- Never in my life have I received so much unsolicited and needless advice. Here's the thing- This is my body and my baby and quite frankly, I have a wonderful midwife with whom I can converse if I have any questions. I understand that most of the time, people are just trying to help, but if I need it, I'll seek it. And I do. I have awesome friends and family that have experienced childbirth and those are the people I want to discuss such personal matters with. I just have been overwhelmed lately with the comments and advice. Sometimes the comments and advice are kind and supportive, but more than often, they are condescending, belittling, and invasive. There's a huge difference between being caring and being curious.

There are so many decisions to be made during and after pregnancy, but we will figure out what is best for our family. I've done my reading, research, and what not- I got it covered.

We are really ready. We are ready to meet our daughter. I can't wait for her to see that she isn't alone- that there are people who are waiting for her, people who love her.


  1. The things people think it's ok to say to you when you're pregnant! I will never understand it. You look great! Almost over now, can you believe it? So crazy.

  2. Hooray for people's inappropriate comments! You get them if you are having a baby, and you get them if you can't have a baby. Looks like we just can't win! ;) Love you and so excited for you!
