Just my favorite animal keeping my prenatal vitamins safe.
(Remind me to tell you oneday about the live bat (Battleship) that Jordan and I kept in a shoebox in our apartment for two weeks) |
Happy Halloween!
Being my most favorite time of the year, one should assume that I took full advantage of my pregnancy and Jordan and I went as Paulie Bleeker and Juno. Of course its appropriate to dress up as a snarky teen who gets pregnant by her high school boyfriend and decides to give her baby up for adoption. Unfortunately, half of the kids didn't get it (because pg-13 movies are apparently not a big hit on campus). One girl said to me "I like your skirt".
Thanks dude. Because I wear skirts over top of my jeans on a regular basis. No.
Sadly, we only managed to take one crappy picture of us because we were so busy with the epic Haunted House we put on. It was absolutely amazing/terrifying, but also very stressful. With classes, exams, being pregnant, and the Haunted House- I definitely took on too much stress. Don't worry, I'll make it up this week by doing absolutely nothing but watching funny youtube videos and re-runs of The Office.
So between the stress and the extinction of morning sickness, I ate. Everything. Donuts, frozen yogurt, half a box of chocolates, chicken nuggets
again, but mostly
- everything in sight. Needless to say, I now feel like crap. Week seventeen was a rough one.
But wait! Before you engage in my self pity, I have excellent news. Week eighteen brings many good tidings: The presidential election (I guess..), a new episode of Parks and Rec, a new episode of The Office, and drum roll please?...
FINALLY, my Centering appointment! After a month of anxiously and desperately waiting, I am so thankful that in less than a week I will hear Baby's heartbeat again.
So although week seventeen was a little crazy, I am grateful for getting to where I am now.
I can't wait for our appointment on Friday. I'm sure I will have much to say.