Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Twelve: Boppy and the Babe

We have made it to month three! Next week means 2nd trimester. Awesome, right?

So first thing first, Amazon Prime is the freaking bomb. My purchase was free shipping for two day delivery, and I received my Boppy Pillow in ONE day. Awesome. 

So about that Boppy Pillow: With week twelve has come a few changes, not many, but changes nonetheless. The morning sickness has somewhat subsided, and by somewhat subsided, I mean turned into night sickness. The mornings have been pretty easy, but at nighttime right before I fall asleep, I end up not, because I feel like barf(ing). Oh and before the right before I fall asleep part, it takes forty-five minutes to get in a comfortable position, hence the Boppy Pillow. Its shaped like a, well, fetus and/or cocktail shrimp. You put the smaller part in between your legs and the big part wraps around your belly, or at least that's what the super pregnant woman in the picture on Amazon was doing, but I haven't tried it yet. 

Other than those things, not much more has happened since last week. Headaches Deathgraines, acid indigestion, super sleepy, the usual. I've been doing some extensive stroller and car seat research, and by research I mean shopping. I've learned that Baby can hiccup, which was possibly the most exciting discovery yet.

Learning about what changes Baby is going through is my favorite thing to do. I love learning what's growing and changing with him or her. Sometimes I get too anxious and look at all the changes in the weeks ahead. 

Well, I suppose that is all for now. I have an appointment Friday, so I'm sure I'll have lots to say next time.
The Boppy spooning sleepy Jordan

Monday, September 17, 2012

Eleven: Firsts

Little was I aware, my first pregnancy would mean my first time throwing up cherry yogurt through my nose. Luckily, it was at the most convenient time imaginable. Ten minutes before class, and more specifically ironically, Health and Wellness.

So, after tying cherry stems with my nostrils, I was able to clean up and go to class and learn about heat strokes and tennis shoes.

This has not been my first experience associated with the phrase "What the heck? Nobody told me about ". Now I will spare you the details of Saturday, but I will tell you that it involved an equal amount of pain as embarrassment..and prune juice.

Among other symptoms, I have had a terrible headache for the past few hours and an odd craving for split pea soup. I don't think I'm showing any more than I believed I was at about six weeks. I feel like I've remained at a constant pudginess, but I distinctly recall weighing 117 lbs. before becoming pregnant (because I remember thinking: Holy cow, pun intended) and I weighed 124 lbs. at the appointment on Friday so maybe the bump's a little bigger. Also, when we told my sweet Grandma that I was pregnant, she said that she thought I might be because I was kinda fat. She said it (barely) more gently, but that was the general message. However, I should disclose that was before the...incident.

So this, my friends, is week eleven. Baby should be roughly the size of a lime, which is much more comforting than he or she being compared to a prune like last week. Baby can hear and can even move his or her little legs. How sweet:)

I cannot wait to feel his or her kicks, I think that is what I'm most looking forward to.